Eric Rivera
Licensed and Credentialed Minister
About Me
At the age of 16, I stepped foot into a church for the first time in my life and I met the God that I felt like I've known for my entire life. I was thrusted into the Kingdom of God and my life took a 180 degree turn. I preached my first message to a room of 80 teenagers just three months after I became Christian. One year later I pursued the call to the ministry by enrolling in Bible College at North Central University to receive a Bachelor’s Degree in Church Leadership.
I’ve had the privilege and honor of studying and learning from some of best spiritual leaders in the nation such as Pastors Darrison and Whitney Tellez, Prophet Lovy L. Elias, Bishop Rick Donker, Pastor David Stocker Jr, Prophet Bernard Taylor, Apostle Bryan Meadows, Evangelist Taylan Michael, and many more. Some from very up close and some farther away, but nonetheless these greats and many more shaped who I am today and I honor them for it.
As I’ve pressed towards the goal of imitating Christ Jesus, my savior and master, He has given me the mandate to serve Him and build His Church. I am known for my spirit of revelation, apostolic insight, divine wisdom, innovative strategies, working of miracles, prophetic proficiency and tremendous heart to see transformation and progression in the life of the believer. My purpose is to birth/activate gifts, draw out destiny, and maximize your potential that you may win more souls unto the glory of God. I have become a witness of the resurrected King. It is my life’s message to testify of the Risen One. May God increase you and elevate you, in Jesus’ name. Amen.